Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Gentle Art of Domesticity by Jane Brocket

Last month I wrote a blog for The Atlantic's Food Channel about my obsession with British cookbooks and the best places to cookbook shop in London. One of the blog's readers suggested that I might want to get my hands on a book called Cherry Cake and Ginger Beer: A Golden Treasury of Classic Treats by Jane Brocket. In here I'd find dozens of recipes from classic British storybooks. Unfortunately, the book is hard to get here in the U.S., and since I don't have a lot of extra money right now for, I located another book Brocket wrote, The Gentle Art of Domesticity: Stitching, Baking, Nature, Art & the Comforts of Home at our local library.

I've renewed it twice, and now the library wants it back so I see I'm going to have to buy it for my personal library. It has been the prescription I needed to get me through cleaning and packing our home for our move. I haven't read it cover-to-cover, but instead, dip into it during the day between scrubbing bathroom floors and packing books. What I like most about it are the photos: Brocket is an avid knitter, crocheter, and quilter (and blogger!), so there are dozens of colorful pictures of her handiwork. The book also includes recipes, lists of novels and movies that celebrate domesticity, and even an extensive list of sources for quilters, bakers, and "haberdashers" that covers not just the U.S. and U.K., but countries all around the world. The book is a wee bit aspirational for me, except for the baking and maybe some simple quilting projects, but hey, an Anglophile can dream.


  1. Diana
    I love this book and Jane's blog. Both are a colorful, peaceful retreat from the sometimes drab and stressful days of real life. I tried the Chewy Flapjacks recipe and now the family is addicted to Lyle's Golden Syrup. Of course, I then needed the Cherry Cake and Ginger Beer because British children's literature and the food described in the books of my childhood are really when I developed my fascination with all things British.

  2. I love Jane Brocket too and am always delighted when she blogs, because I know I'm in for a lovely little break in my day. She's wonderful.

  3. Wendy, did you find Cherry Cake and Ginger Beer here in the U.S.? It seems quite pricey -- thus, why I may need a trip to the UK pretty soon. ;-) P.S. My son likes Lyle's too -- a little too sweet for me.

    Amy, me too! I love her colors.

  4. Shhh, don't tell hubby, but I ordered it from the UK. Just had to have it and no immediate plans to travel.

  5. [...] week I blogged about my obsession with British writer and crafter Jane Brocket’s book The Gentle Art of Domesticity. I’ve just learned that she has a new book coming [...]


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