Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fidelity Issues

I've been working on this sweater since December, and while I do enjoy the knitting, especially now that I know how to do cables without a cable hook, all I do is fantasize about other projects. Yes, I'm having some big-time fidelity issues with this sweater. I want to start up something new, something exciting! But I feel like I've made a promise to this sweater, to get it done by St. Patrick's Day, which I, uh, obviously did not honor. Now my goal is April ...ish. And I don't want to get distracted by some other pretty project, which will keep me from making slow and steady project on my cardigan. So I spend my evenings lusting at pattern porn on Ravelry and thinking, "Someday, Di. Someday."

What's left: I'm just starting decreases for the sleeve cap on my second sleeve (got there last night at Knit Night ... hi S if you're reading this!) Then I just have the two front cardigan panels, button bands, neck band, and seaming. I'm feeling more confident about seaming now that I've found some good YouTube videos on seaming moss stitch. Really, the only tricky part left is the picking up of stitches for the button bands and neck band.

So yes, that photo above ... I showed this to S last night and I'm tiny bit concerned. The yarn is all from the same dye lot, but there's definitely a color difference between the sleeves and the back panel. The sleeves are much more yellowish. Here's why I'm trying not to freak. The back panel has already been blocked; the sleeves haven't. If there was something wonky with one of the skeins, it would have showed up in the back panel because I used nearly two skeins of yarn there and you can't tell where one skein ends and the other begins. So I'm hoping when I block the rest of the pieces, the yellowish tint of the yarn will wash away. Fingers crossed.


  1. The sweater is looking great! I think the yellowish tinge will wash out. I have had natural coloured yarn that has done the same thing. I am amazed to hear you only have one project on the go. I wish I had your self-discipline!

  2. Kristie, thank you for telling me that. I would seriously throw a tantrum if I washed everything out and the sleeves and front ended up different colors. As for my self-discipline ... I've put so much time and effort into this sweater already I just want it done. Nothing will stop me. Nothing. Not even a delightful pair of socks (aaargh, torture!!!!)


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