I packed up some snacks, ID, my cell phone and a bit of cash then hit the trail.
I don't know if you can see them on the trail up ahead, but it looks like other people didn't want to sit at their desks either.
I headed over to Lexington center, which is about a 25-minute ride (for me ... I'm slow). Depot Park in Bedford marks one end of the Minuteman Bikeway; the other end is near Alewife Station in Cambridge. It's usually very busy but today the path was mostly filled with office workers on a lunchtime walk.
Once I got to Lexington center, I sat in the green and drank my greens. My son thinks the color is disgusting, but I think it's lovely. Ingredients are bananas, dates, frozen mango, three handfuls of kale, and coconut milk. Yummy and very filling.
I stopped by one of my favorite yarn shops, Wild & Wooly. The ladies who work there are always helpful and fun to chat with. When I was heavily pregnant with O, they taught me the long-tail cast on, which, if you're a knitter, you know is one of the best cast-ons evah. So I'm always forever grateful to them. This was the first time I noticed a display of Green Mountain Spinnery Mountain Mohair in lots of gorgeous shades. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough cash on me to buy the two skeins I wanted for a project, so I told them I'd be in next week. They kindly let me photograph the yarns so I could match them to my project when I got home.
Cary Memorial Library is across the street so I dropped by. This library is one of the most attractive libraries around; my photograph doesn't do it justice. Unfortunately their collection of knitting books wasn't as good as Bedford's, so I didn't pick up much. Which is good, considering I'd have to lug all the books home on my bike. ;-)
Since this is a blog for Anglophiles and not merely a dumping ground for all my knitting photos, here's a shot of the Lexington Minuteman on Battle Green. Just look at the sky! You see, there was this little local skirmish some 235 years ago and we like to commemorate it with lots of memorials, statues, and monuments.
The ride back to Bedford is much faster since there's a slight downhill grade. My bike and I were home in less than 20 minutes. And then I took a nap.
Animal sightings: Chipmunk, squirrels, cat (domesticated); heard a hawk
It sounds like a lovely day! The smoothie looks delicious - I have started putting kale in mine too.