Over the last couple weeks I've done more clothes shopping than I've done in the last two years. When I say "shopping," though, I don't necessarily buy anything. Instead, I've been trying clothes on and reminding myself that come January 1, 2014, my year of not buying any clothing* at retail commences. Bring on the Ready-to-Wear (RTW) Fast! If I want a new pair of slacks or summer t-shirts, I have to make these items by my own hand.
What have I gotten myself into?
This year is going to be a crazy-busy one for me. After a two-year hiatus, I rejoined my co-author Linda to build up our Renegade Writer brand--I'm either writing books or co-authoring them, as well as working with writers who are publishing under our Renegade Writer Press imprint. On top of this, I'm teaching my popular idea-generation-for-freelancers class and developing another class I plan to start in March. And perhaps I haven't mentioned this here, but I write fiction under a pseudonym and I've got a couple books there I need to finish up. I get palpitations thinking about it all! And on top of this, there's the knitting addiction I've got to feed, although after the last six weeks, my gift knitting has burned me out.
Despite my trepidation, however, I'm looking forward to January. January is one of my favorite months of the year: the days are getting longer, the holidays are over, there's a feeling of having a fresh start and a whole new year ahead of me, and there's those delicious Maine shrimp to look forward to at the end of the month. (Seasonal eating at its best!)
Though I love January, I'm not big on resolutions or annual goals, although I do believe in the power of goal setting--I just don't believe in doing it at a specific time of year. Here's what I'd like to do, though, with my RTW fasting:
* Make clothes that fit my lifestyle and not a dream vision of my lifestyle. You see, I love cocktail dresses and pencil skirts, but the truth is, I live in jeans, cardigan sweaters, skirts, and t-shirts. That said, I'd like to up the style factor on these items, get out of my comfort zone. My t-shirts, for example, don't have to be so boring!
* Sew more pants and skirts. I have a real need here.
* Sew a beautifully tailored blouse for myself. Yes, I know ... I still have to sew my husband's (ahem) anniversary present from last May. And I will do that. But I would really like a wardrobe of blouses for myself, including one of chambray and maybe even a Liberty of London print blouse? Sigh. Maybe I'll focus on this year being the year I master the tailored blouse, starting with the Grainline Archer shirt.
* Finish some of the other projects I've started/planned for including my Woodland Stroll Cape, the Angela Kane blouse where I had to recut the collar/collar stand, and the fabric I bought for my husband's holiday office party skirt. Unfortunately, his company decided not to have a party this year, so I've got three yards of taffeta and I'm not sure I want to use it for a maxi skirt. You can see where my mind is going: a cocktail dress, LOL!!!
* Knit with a purpose. I did okay with this in 2013, but I still could be better about knitting stuff I'll actually wear i.e. shawls are fun to knit, but do I actually use them? Better to spend my time knitting cardigans, pullovers, and socks.
Those labels in the picture above are a gift I bought myself. I have some woven labels with my full name sewn on them, but they don't really work when I give away handknits and such. I ordered these new labels just before Christmas and they arrived a few days afterwards. Nice!
OK, I'll end this with a funny story of what it's like hanging out with my family over the holidays. They're a tough crowd with acidic senses of humor, and if you show any weakness (meaning you take anything they say seriously), they'll tease you mercilessly. I'm usually the one who cracks first, thus why I'm picked on the most.
We decide to go out to dinner at a local Japanese restaurant, so I "dress up" in my hand-knit Aran cardigan and best pearls. I think I'm looking quite nice, thank you, but my brother Matt takes one look at me as we meet him in front of the restaurant and says, "Did you age 20 years? Is that sweater from the Judi Dench Collection?" I have to admit, even I thought that was pretty funny. But hey, at least when I walk into a T-Mobile store, employees don't mistake me for a bum. Just saying, Matt.
Happy New Year! Any big plans for the holiday and following twelve months?
* I get a pass undergarments (bras/undies), shoes, belts, purses, and athletic wear.